The Blog

Newday and ROI

Newday and ROI

Joe Leach | August 2023 When Steve Blaber was preaching on the Parable of the Lost Treasure a couple of weeks ago (Matthew 13v44-45), he read out a famous Jim Elliott quote.              “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose.” It...

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10 Years of Multi-Site

10 Years of Multi-Site

Joe Leach | June 2023 On more than one occasion, a leader from a different church has told me that they were considering becoming a multi-site church. I think they generally expect me to wax lyrical about why I think a multi-site church model is the best thing ever...

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What is Communion?

What is Communion?

Joe Leach | January 2023 I have been so encouraged by the feedback we’ve had from starting the year teaching and preaching into what exactly is going on when we are celebrating communion together. It’s been great to hear of people feeling more released and able to...

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A Most Wonderful Weekend

A Most Wonderful Weekend

Joe Leach - 13th December 2022  We have just had a weekend that has been jam-packed full of festive, frenetic activity. If you have been around church life for any length of time, you will know from experience that everything is not always easy. Sometimes things don’t...

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Diversity without disunity

Diversity without disunity

Joe Leach - 15th November 2022   We had a truly glorious time together as a church on Sunday evening as we talked about, celebrated, demonstrated, emphasised, and leant into our racial diversity. The evening had two main goals: to celebrate our diversity; and to...

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