Bognor Regis Site


4th August 2024: Come and Join us in Chichester

Grace Church is one church with one vision that meets across three sites.

On the 4th August all three Grace Church sites are meeting together at the Grace Centre (Terminus Road, Chichester, PO19 8TX) from 10:00am (note this is 30 minutes earlier than usual) Sunday.

11th and 18th August: We’re back at Southway

We shall then be back at Southway School from 10am on the 11th and 18th August.

25th August: We’re away for a festival.

There will be no meeting on any Grace Church site on the 25th as we shall be away at the Commission Festival.


Everything returns to normal on Sunday 1st September from 10:30am.

Where we meet in Bognor Regis

Southway Primary School

South Way, Bognor Regis, PO21 5EZ


You are so welcome to come and visit us on a Sunday! Here are some questions you might have ahead of your first visit…

What time does the meeting start and finish?

Our meeting starts at 10:30am and finishes around 12:00pm. We serve tea and coffee (free of charge) before and after the meetings, so please don’t rush off – have a drink to get to know us.

Is parking available?

Yes, there is parking for approximately 50 cars directly outside the building, with 2 dedicated blue badge spaces available.

What should I expect when I arrive?

You will receive a very warm welcome from the moment you arrive. You will be greeted by one of our team and shown to the kids’ registration area if you need it and tea and coffee available if you wanted it. You can then feel free to take a seat in the main hall where there is a large screen where song words and information will be projected.

What happens on a Sunday morning?

Our meeting starts at 10:30am but tea and coffee will be available free of charge beforehand from around 10am. We love meeting new people on Sunday mornings and you are assured a warm welcome every time you step onto the site, whatever your life and church background.

A leader will begin the meeting with a short welcome and then we will sing a few songs of worship. We hope for these to be joyful, creative and expressive moments.

Around this time, our children and young people will be released and taken to their groups.

After the worship, the meeting leader will then share some information about upcoming events and other church news. At this point, there will also be an offering but don’t feel embarrassed to pass the basket on without putting anything in it. Many church members contribute directly through their banks using standing orders, so you won’t be the only one passing it on.

One of the leaders will then give some teaching from the Bible.

After the meeting, there is more opportunity for tea and coffee and a chance to say hello to other people or meet one of our leaders if you would like.

Is there children and youth work?

Yes! We have excellent activities for children from birth up to school year 11. We dance around to some kids’ worship, hear Bible stories, play games and other fun stuff! It’s a place where kids learn how much Jesus loves them and the exciting adventure He has for them.

Safeguarding is very important to us and all of our amazing kids and youth team are DBS checked and work with our safeguarding policy and safeguarding team.

What should I wear?

Whatever you like! There is no dress code so please come wearing whatever you feel most comfortable wearing.

Will I be expected to take part or do anything?

All the song words will be projected onto large screens at the front of the hall. If you want to join in and sing, then please do. But do feel free to just observe if you would prefer.

Any other questions?

Feel free to get in touch using the Contact Form, by emailing
or calling the church office on 01243 778500.

What time does the meeting start and finish?

Our meeting starts at 10:30am and finishes around 12:00pm. We serve tea and coffee (free of charge) before and after the meetings, so please don’t rush off – have a drink to get to know us.

Is parking available?

Yes, there is parking for approximately 50 cars directly outside the building, with 2 dedicated blue badge spaces available.

What should I expect when I arrive?

You will receive a very warm welcome from the moment you arrive. You will be greeted by one of our team and shown to the kids’ registration area if you need it and tea and coffee available if you wanted it. You can then feel free to take a seat in the main hall where there is a large screen where song words and information will be projected.

What happens on a Sunday morning?

Our meeting starts at 10:30am but tea and coffee will be available free of charge beforehand from around 10am. We love meeting new people on Sunday mornings and you are assured a warm welcome every time you step onto the site, whatever your life and church background.

A leader will begin the meeting with a short welcome and then we will sing a few songs of worship. We hope for these to be joyful, creative and expressive moments.

Around this time, our children and young people will be released and taken to their groups.

After the worship, the meeting leader will then share some information about upcoming events and other church news. At this point, there will also be an offering but don’t feel embarrassed to pass the basket on without putting anything in it. Many church members contribute directly through their banks using standing orders, so you won’t be the only one passing it on.

One of the leaders will then give some teaching from the Bible.

After the meeting, there is more opportunity for tea and coffee and a chance to say hello to other people or meet one of our leaders if you would like.

Is there children and youth work?

Yes! We have excellent activities for children from birth up to school year 11. We dance around to some kids’ worship, hear Bible stories, play games and other fun stuff! It’s a place where kids learn how much Jesus loves them and the exciting adventure He has for them.

Safeguarding is very important to us and all of our amazing kids and youth team are DBS checked and work with our safeguarding policy and safeguarding team.

What should I wear?

Whatever you like! There is no dress code so please come wearing whatever you feel most comfortable wearing.

Will I be expected to take part or do anything?

All the song words will be projected onto large screens at the front of the hall. If you want to join in and sing, then please do. But do feel free to just observe if you would prefer.

Any other questions?

Feel free to get in touch using the Contact Form, by emailing
or calling the church office on 01243 778500.

Some leaders you will meet here

There are a host of leaders at our Bognor Regis site involved in making everything happen. Jonny, Kim, Andy and Simon make up the Bognor Site Team. They play a key role in looking out for the site pastorally, helping with the practical needs of the site, and making sure the site stays healthy and always moving forward. In addition, there are many others who help things run smoothly each week. From the moment you’re greeted by our welcome team on your arrival at Southway School, right through to the moment you leave at the end of the morning, you will encounter many of the people who serve to make Grace Church in Bognor Regis a great church to be a part of.