About Us
About Us
Grace Church is a lively and diverse Christian community made up of all ages and backgrounds. We believe that the message of Jesus is a message of hope and eternal security for all people to enjoy. We are one church that meets in three locations every week. We have one vision, one leadership and do many things all together. But we are also passionate about being visible and active in the communities that we serve.
Our Vision
We have a vision to grow a healthy church that enjoys the grace of God and shares and demonstrates that grace to the communities we live in.
We want to be ‘Grace Church’ in more than just name. All that we do is focussed around the grace of God, and the first thing is for us to know and enjoy that grace. We believe God longs for his grace to be enjoyed by all people. That means that whilst we know that life is never easy or straightforward, there is true and lasting joy available to everyone by the grace of God.
If you’d like to know more about our church vision, the best place to start is by listening to our GC Vision preaching series through the videos below.
GC Vision: Introduction
GC Vision: Healthy Church That Enjoys the Grace of God
GC Vision: Declaring and Demonstrating the Grace of God
If you’re new or looking into Grace Church, you are so welcome to come along and join us in enjoying God’s grace. Find out more about our Sunday services or getting more involved in the life of the church. If you are new to Christianity or want to find out more about this, the Alpha Course is the perfect place for you. Find out more here.
Our Team
If we are to fulfil our vision, then everyone who is part of Grace Church has a part to play in that. There is no one in Grace Church who is more important than anyone else and every individual plays a vital role in making us who we are.
There are lots of people involved in leadership on multiple levels at Grace Church, far too many to list them all! The ultimate responsibility to oversee and care for the church is carried by our eldership team.
The Grace Church Eldership team and their wives are (clockwise from the left): Simpson & Melissa Charlton, Tony & Jenny Dark, Steve & Ann Blaber, Joe (who leads the team) & Liz Leach, Jonny & Kim Holder, and Thomas & Kathryn Bishop.
Half of our eldership are also employed by the church.
Our central operational staff is made up of our Operations Manager, Simon, and administration assistant, Nettie.
Our Wider Connections
We are part of a wider church family called Commission. Commission is an international family of churches working together to see thousands of lives transformed, through hundreds of churches, in tens of nations. Commission incorporates churches from the UK, India, Spain, Portugal, Serbia, Ghana, Bangladesh, Nepal the Philippines and more.
Commission is a great blessing to us. As a movement we are committed together to planting churches, training leaders, sharing the gospel and serving the poor. We receive input from Commission in many ways and have access to a variety of events. Each year we love to gather with the rest of our UK Commission churches at Commission Festival, a 4-day conference where we come together to share worship, teaching and friendship.
We are also a part of the Evangelical Alliance, as well as Churches Together in both Chichester and Bognor Regis, forging and maintaining relationships with other churches serving our local communities.
How is Grace Church Funded?
Every activity in Grace Church is funded by the generous giving of people like you.
If you consider Grace Church to be your church, please consider what you can do to contribute regularly to our church finances and support our ongoing mission.
Giving to Grace Church through online banking is easy.
Simply make a single gift or regular standing order, using the details below:
Bank Account Name: Grace Church Chichester
Sort Code: 40-23-18
Account: 02136856