Series Details


January 26, 2025 - February 16, 2025

The book of Acts is originally titled as Acts of the Apostles but there has been much questioning over the appropriateness of that title and suggestions that is too man-centred, with a host of alternative suggestions made. What is undeniable and universally accepted is that it is a book about acts/actions/deeds/exploits. It is true to say these were carried out by God the Holy Spirit and it also true to say that these were carried out by the apostles, and indeed by the church at large. In Preaching Acts, we want to be spurred on to continue as the church has always done and not just be a church that is but a church that does. A church on the move, anointed and empowered by Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, for the accomplishment of God’s purposes in the world.

Talks: 10

Talks in Acts