Sunday Meetings


Sunday Meetings


Grace Church is active throughout the week, all year round.  Although during a typical week we meet in a variety of contexts and times, Sundays are the main focal point for Grace Church people to meet.

Gathering at our site venues at 09:30am in  Chichester and 10:30am in Bognor Regis and Havant every Sunday,  we meet for sung worship, a talk from the Bible and time to enjoy one another’s company over tea, coffee and biscuits after the meeting. The children and young people join in for sung worship for part of the time, and then explore the gospel in contemporary style age-appropriate groups.  Sundays may also include participation in the Christian sacraments of sharing communion and baptising new Christians.

Throughout the year we will also take time after our Sunday morning meetings to share picnics and bring-and-share meals together as a church as we build relationships with each other and have a lot of fun at the same time.

Finally, on alternate Sunday evenings, usually between 7:30 and 9:00pm, we host a range of events. These include prayer meetings as a whole church together, or in our site-locations, and evenings of praise, prayer and prophecy that we call Come and Worship.  We also use our Sunday evening meetings for Information and Vision moments, where the leadership team share what they believe God to be calling Grace Church to in the months and years ahead.